The novel coronavirus, Covid-19, has changed how people do business virtually overnight. As local governments call for the closing of non-essential businesses, restrictions on where people can go, and calls for sheltering in place, many businesses are forced to change hours or close down with no known reopening date.
As microblading and PMU artists, that means a sharp drop in customers as people take the appropriate pre-cautions by staying home. It could even mean not having any customers at all if local city officials decide to mandate the closure of your non-essential business.
This virus has caused a wave of fear and anxiety, from both businesses and customers alike. And although it now seems like this has been going on forever, we are still in the early stages and don't fully know what the complete ramifications of the coronavirus might be. Nevertheless, this isn’t a time to curl up and wave the white flag. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Now more than ever is a time for us as artists to take an even more proactive approach.
Below are 5 strategies I’m recommending every microblading and PMU artist consider implementing during this time. If you do so I can assure you your brow game will be that much stronger and the impacts of this uncertain time will be minimal and less abrasive vs you taking a passive approach and doing little to nothing.
Tip #1 – Keep Practicing, to Keep Your Skills Sharp

Balancing your business and family life can sometimes be very demanding on your time. Now more than ever is a prime opportunity to take advantage of the time by continuing to refine and improve your skills. In my normal routine I try to spend at least an hour a few days a week practicing my hair stroke techniques on practice skin utilizing a customized system I created for myself. Click here to download a free copy of my Universal Brow Practice Sheet and give it a try and see how it works for you.
You could also spend time becoming more familiar with various microblading tools and PMU devices. Did you know that depending on the type of microblading tool or PMU device you use, your brows results could vary? Yup that’s right, not all devices and tools are created equal. That is why it’s so important to practice and test the tools and devices so that you can get a good sense of how they will move and perform on your clients.
Check out this recent review I did where I compared a few quality PMU devices all found on Amazon for under $200. All three devices helped me achieve amazing results. And, if you’re in the ballpark for a top of the line PMU device check out these amazing AMIEA devices! If you’re really into handbags like me AMIEA is considered the Louis Vuitton or Channel of all PMU devices. After transitioning to AMIEA my brow game sky rocked!
#2 Keep Engaging Your Clients

During this time of uncertainty, it will be very important to keep close to your clients that have appointments scheduled with you. In some areas like the San Francisco Bay Area measures have been put in place for all non-essential businesses to shut down while in other places social distancing is encouraged. If you are in an area that is still open for business and have appointments on the books, that doesn't mean your clients don’t have concerns about the coronavirus.
A good practice would be to proactively reach out to them and determine the best path forward either out of caution of the social distancing recommendation or because of the shelter in place mandate. While you are communicating you can also remind them of the benefits of the appointment and of your intent to keep safety first. This adds a special touch your customers will appreciate and can help create peace of mind. Because they'll take notice of your care they'll more than likely reschedule to a more convenient time.
For those that do keep their appointments, if you've put in additional sanitation steps or have new requirements for your clients, its good practice to let them know so they have a sense of what to expect.
For example, prior to our shelter in place we reached out to customers informing them that upon arrival we will request them to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer prior to starting the service. This is for the safety for the client and artist.
Check out this page on my site as an example of how you could potentially address concerns over the coronavirus with your microblading or PMU clients.
As stated, proactively engaging your clients either through a phone call, text or email can help can put their mind at ease. But also, this action can deepen your relationship with your clients. The frequency in which you engage your clients will play a big role in how well you minimize any losses you might incur during this time, and it will play an even bigger role in further strengthening your business as we eventually all begin to recover from the effects of the Corvid 19 virus. Check out this article in Forbes Magazine about how customer engagement impacts profitability. It provides a lot of great insights and tactics that can help to grow your business.
#3 Double Down on Social Media

Almost all the service industry is slowing down right now due to either social distancing or shelter in place for various communities. As business begins to slow think about how you can still promote yourself by spending more time virtually in social channels. If you have a strong Instagram following keep finding ways to grow and nurture your audience.
At the same time, you should also think about how you can create more of a stronger presence on other channels like, Pinterest, Tiktok or YouTube. A multi-channel approach will be key in helping you thrive during this time and can also be an avenue for you finding a door into other opportunities.
Another strategy to think about is getting creative in the types of content you post. If you typically are posting pictures or videos, think about going live on IG or Facebook or even recording social group video chats as many people are sheltered in place in their homes and will welcome the virtual social interaction.
#4 Refine Your Business Strategy

Have you been so busy with day to day business that you haven't had time to plan and forecast where you want to take your business in the next 1 to 2 years? Have you thoroughly analyzed what’s been working and what’s not working for you? Are you aware of the latest industry trends and how they might be impacting your business? There are many more things to think about in the short and long term but the point is this is the time to start thinking these things through. I’m also completely aware that all these things can be very overwhelming to think about. I suggest finding an appropriate person you can have discussion with that can help you think through your business strategy.
There's room for improvement in everything, and your business plan is no different. Now especially, it's important to think about how to grow, refine, and stabilize your business. The time you have now is the perfect opportunity for such a plan. If you need help feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to help you potentially strategize a new plan with a team of business coaches.
#5 Stay Positive and Encouraged

Everyone is worried about the future, and what it may hold. We don't know everything about Covid-19, how long we have to endure social distancing, or when things will be going back to normal. It's understandable if you are worried, but staying positive even in these times is important. I know we all have our own unique ways of finding our inner peace and balance, whether it be through exercise, meditation, reading or spending time with those we cherish.
In addition to those things, I’d like to offer two social apps that contribute to keeping my spirits elevated. The Uplift Mind Fitness App by You Are a CEO as well as the You Are a CEO App. Both apps are free and available for download on IOS and Android. They offer a community of positive people posting inspiring stories embracing how they have become the CEO of their life through owning their success as they manage their day to day life choices. The You Are a CEO platform also offers coaching on a verity of topics from business to personal success.
Final Thoughts
As authorities and medical experts across the world come together to take on the coronavirus we must also come together as artist and find ways to support each other. I hope the tips I’ve shared can in some way help you to stay motivated and provide you some level of success as we all weather this storm. Remember to keep practicing and keep those skills sharp.
Don’t forget to stay in contact and keep your clients engaged as we all practice social distancing but not social isolation. Double down on social media. If you found this post helpful feel free to share it on your social networks as well as keep producing content of your own.
And lastly, keep looking for opportunities to refine your business strategy and stay positive! Positive vibes are only thing we should want to be spreading, especially at a time like this.